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Sending the online registration represents a legally binding offer to form a contract with wristcharmstore. The user shall be notified by e-mail of receipt of his/her registration enquiry. However, a visitor agreement shall not as yet come into effect. The user must activate his/her user account by clicking on the activation link. The user account will not become active until it is activated by wristcharmstore. A visitor agreement shall only come into effect when the user account is activated by wristcharmstore.

Service Description

  1. Wrist Charm Store offers registered users the technical possibility of contacting watch sellers via the platform (section 5).
  2. Wrist Charm Store GmbH itself does not offer any items for sale on the platform. All sales made under the wristcharmstore name are completed by other companies in the wristcharmstore Group. You can find information about the particular vendor in the "Seller" section on the listing page.
  3. Vendor listings on the platform do not constitute a legally binding sales offer for concluding a sales contract. Instead, they are a non-binding invitation to request a sales offer from the vendor.
  4. Any contractual relationship will be formed exclusively between the seller and the user. The fulfillment of contracts initiated on the platform shall also take place exclusively between the seller and the user.

Registration, User Account and User Information

  1. Registration is only allowed for persons of unlimited legal capacity. Minors in particular may not register.
  2. A current e-mail address and a password are required to register. The e-mail address and the password also serve as login details. Only one user account can be created with the same e-mail address. The e-mail address is also used for communication with wristcharmstore and is essential for all contractually relevant correspondence between wristcharmstore and the user.
  3. The password is confidential and care must be taken to ensure that access to the user account is secure. Users are obliged to notify wristcharmstore immediately if there are signs that a user account has been misused by third parties.
  4. The user account is strictly personal. The user is not entitled without the express consent of wristcharmstore to transfer the profile to a third party. Neither is the user entitled without the express consent of wristcharmstore to enable third parties to access his/her user account using his/her login details.
  5. The user shall in principal be liable for all activities that take place while using his/her user account. The user shall not be liable if he/she is not responsible for the misuse of his/her user account because there is no breach of the existing duty of care.

Use of the Platform

  1. Wrist Charm Store provides free functions to registered users, which facilitate use of the platform, particularly the search for offers (e.g. notepad, chronography), and management of user accounts. Registered users can also enjoy improved communication with providers.
  2. Wrist Charm Store may change the use of the platform, or individual functions, or the scope in which individual functions can be used at any time.
  3. Registration is free of charge.
  4. Sales contracts on our platform may only be entered into by legally competent individuals. Thus, minors are strictly prohibited from entering into sales contracts on our platform.

General User Obligations

  1. The user must refrain from any activity aimed at disrupting the operational aspects and technical infrastructure of the platform and/or overloading it. This particularly includes:
  2. The use of software, scripts or databases in connection with the use of the platform;
    automatic reading, blocking, overwriting, modification, copying of data and/or other content unless essential for proper use of the platform;
    distribution and/or public display of any content from the platform without the approval of Wrist Charm Store.
    to establish a personal database in whatever media format and/or for commercial utilisation of data or to supply information and/or for any other commercial use.

Reporting requirement

  1. The user is aware that Wrist Charm Store charges a transaction fee on all sales completed via Wrist Charm Store. A sale is considered completed via Wrist Charm Store if the initial contact occurs via the platform, the buyer becomes aware of the item via the platform, or if use of Wrist Charm Store has contributed to the completion of the sales contract.
  2. If the user completes a sale with a seller via the platform, the user must immediately report the sale to Wrist Charm Store and disclose the purchase price and seller's name. This reporting requirement does not exist if the sale was conducted via Trusted Checkout.
  3. If the user violates this reporting requirement, he or she is liable to pay Wrist Charm Store a transaction fee amounting to 5% of the total purchase price.

Term of Contract, Termination, Blocking

  1. The visitor agreement is for an indefinite period and can be terminated with immediate effect at any time.
  2. The right of the parties to end the contractual relationship by means of extraordinary termination for good cause remains unaffected. A good cause for wristcharmstore to terminate this agreement without notice is if the user persistently infringes his/her duties as stipulated in of this agreement.
  3. In the event of a good cause that allows termination without notice, wristcharmstore may at its discretion deny access to the user account instead of termination. wristcharmstore may also block access if the user has not used his/her login details for a period of at least one year.
  4. Termination will result in the user not having access to his/her user account.
  5. Termination by Wrist Charm Store shall be deemed valid, amongst other things, if the user is duly notified at the e-mail address that he/she has provided. Terminations by the user must be given in writing or by using the relevant function to delete the user account on the platform.

Warranty and Liability

  1. Wrist Charm Store strives to provide and operate a non-disruptive and durable platform. This is naturally restricted to services over which wristcharmstore has an influence. The user however acknowledges that full, uninterrupted platform availability is not technically feasible. wristcharmstore is particularly at liberty to restrict access to the platform in full or in part, on a temporary or long-term basis, due to maintenance work, capacity considerations and due to other events outside the power of wristcharmstore.
  2. Wrist Charm Store does not in principal pre-check the contents and commercial offers posted on the platform. wristcharmstore cannot therefore give an assurance that the information and commercial offers posted on the platform are correct, accurate, reliable, up-to-date, applicable and/or complete. There is no claim either that the contents and commercial offers as posted are free from defects.
  3. Wrist charm store is not liable in the case of an ordinary negligent infringement of obligations, which are not material obligations, whose initial fulfilment enables the due performance of the agreement and compliance with which the user may regularly depend upon.
  4. Liability is excluded to the extent permitted by law for ordinary negligence of duty affecting the availability of the platform or its contents.
  5. The above liability restrictions apply analogously in the case of damage caused by authorised agents, particularly partners. wristcharmstore is not liable for the actions of users or other third parties. Neither do such third parties act as vicarious agents for wristcharmstore. Liability for indirect and consequential damages is – to the extent permitted by law – excluded.
  6. The liability of wristcharmstore for malicious intent, gross negligence, personal injury and pursuant to statutory regulations remains unaffected by the above liability restrictions.

Data Protection

  1. Data protection is subject to wristcharmstore's Privacy Policy.

Right of Indemnity

  1. The user shall hold wristcharmstore and its staff and/or appointees harmless from all third-party claims in the event that a claim is asserted on account of purported or actual legal infringements and/or infringement of third-party rights in connection with use of the platform or services of wristcharmstore by the user.
  2. The user shall undertake to reimburse wristcharmstore all potential costs arising from a third-party claim. Reimbursable costs shall also include the costs of appropriate litigation and legal defence, which wristcharmstore would incur to defend itself from third-party claims. In this case wristcharmstore shall notify the affected user without delay of the legal defence measures to be taken.

Final Provisions

  1. If one or more provisions of the contractual provisions are or become inapplicable, this shall not otherwise affect the applicability of the other provisions.
  2. The law of the Federal Republic Germany applies.
  3. Wrist Charm Store shall notify the user in written form of any amendments to these provisions without the individual amended provisions or the new version of the provisions in its entirety having to be sent or otherwise communicated; it shall be sufficient to notify the user that an amendment has been made and to provide a link to the amended General Terms and Conditions. If the user fails to object to the amendment in written form within 14 days of being informed of such, the amendment shall be deemed to have been accepted; wristcharmstore shall make reference to this fact in its notifications of amendment.
  4. Wrist Charm Store is entitled to transfer this visitor agreement, including all additional agreements with all right and obligations, to a company of its choice. In the event that this agreement is transferred to another company, the user shall have a special right of termination, which must be asserted in writing within 14 days of notification by wristcharmstore. In this notification wristcharmstore shall refer separately to the significance of the user’s action.
  5. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from and in connection with this contract, irrespective of the legal grounds, is – if and to the extent that the user is a merchant – Karlsruhe.